Friday, September 5, 2008

there's something in air

what is it about break ups that seems to cause some sort of chain reaction?

granted mine was months ago (though it feels like last week) but in the last few days or so i've had two good friends end long term relationships. then yesterday i found out that the guy who was my dad's best man just left his wife (incidentally my mom's maid of honour), i think to be a father to a child he has from a previous affair. heavy shit.

i accept that this is all anecdotal but shit, that's a lot of breakups. i don't have any meaningful insights regarding this except to say that there is a certain air that i'm feeling within my social circle. change. that inevitable monster has reared its head once again.

i believe that everything that happens is for the best (something which i'm sure i'll be writing about soon). now the dust just needs to settle and for the sake of my friends (and myself too i suppose) i hope that happens sooner rather than later.

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