Thursday, February 26, 2009

JEW clarity show in NYC

feb 23 - 2009, terminal 5, nyc

i've written about the debacle part of the ny trip, now to mention the most glorious aspect. namely the reason for the trip itself: seeing the first of 10 shows that jimmy eat world are in the midst of playing across the states. 2009 marks the 10 year anniversary of their album clarity (one of my favourites of all time). in fact, frontman jim adkins stated that february 23 was 10 years to the day of their cd release show, making the start date of the tour hardly coincidental.

here is the set list from that night:

1. table for glasses
2. lucky denver mint
3. your new aesthetic
4. believe in what you want
5. a sunday
6. crush
7. 12.23.95
8. ten
9. just watch the fireworks
10. for me this is heaven
11. blister
12. clarity
13. goodbye sky harbour


14. what i would say to you now
15. no sensitivity
16. work
17. the middle
18. sweetness

for most of the clarity portion of the show the band seemed content to blister (pun intended) through the set, as if to get it done as quickly as they could. i think it could be attributed to nerves, though i'll never know. they may have also been looking to uphold a certain level of continuity through the album which would also contribute to the quick turn around between songs.

the crowd also left something to be desired. i was hoping they would reflect an older dichotomy of jew fans. ones who loved the band long before the middle was released. it's possible that these people did make up a large portion of the crowd, but it wasn't immediately apparent as i had hoped. i'm also willing to accept that i'm generalizing based on my surroundings. the venue was large enough (and was two levels) that i could have easily misjudged.

my personal favourites were 'a sunday', 'for me this is heaven', 'goodbye sky harbour' and 'no sensitivity'. 'a sunday' because i thought it was particularly well performed and sounded great. i've loved 'for me this is heaven' since i was 18 and had never seen that song live. 'goodbye sky harbour' has a particular place in my heart as it features the line 'i am but one small instrument' which is permanently inked on my body. they also did a stunning job of recreating the 14ish minute looped outro on the album. the only song i hoped to hear in the encore (since ever other song i'd want to hear was on clarity) was 'no sensitivity', an obscure track that appears on a split with a band called jebediah. that was a very pleasant surprise.

i was really disappointed that they played the middle. i thought this was the one show where they wouldn't need to pander to everyone by playing that schlock of a song. jim adkins introduced the song by saying it was a kind of a joke track that somehow ended up on bleed american. what i heard was 'yea we know this song sucks but here it is'.

i'm thrilled that i got to see this show and in spite of some detraction's mentioned above the bottom line is that i got to see one of my favourite bands perform one of my favourite albums in one of my favourite cities with some of my favourite people. it really doesn't get any better and i consider myself very lucky to have been there.

Monday, February 23, 2009

the car pound et. al

i had this all written up before but it didn't save so i have to do it again. otherwise this would have been posted already.

it is now thursday night. over the weekend i drove my parent's 2003 maxima down to nyc. we arrived on saturday night. everything was going swimmingly (something i'll hopefully write about after this) until monday morning. we left the apartment where we were staying to find that the car was gone. after a couple hours of scrambling to confirm where the car was (ie that it wasn't stolen) we ascertained that it was towed and was at the pier 76 impound lot (charmingly titled the car pound) at 39th and 12th ave. the waiting area at the car pound was bloated with quite the cross section of new yorkers. after an hour wait and a $185 charge i was able to get the car. as i entered the massive hanger that contained all the other vehicles the NYPD had towed i noticed there were two parking tickets on the windshield. they were written 18 minutes apart and were for $115 each. the officer who accompanied me said i could have one of them thrown out.

so that was monday morning/early afternoon. $300 american well spent.

i'm not done yet.

after that ordeal was over i was just relieved that i had the car back and a way to get home. i'm desperately broke and so the money is a huge issue for me but i can deal with that.

tuesday morning rolls around and we leave the apartment heading towards the car. what do i find? the fucking headlights are gone; stolen. completely ripped out of the sockets. at that point i wanted to cry. apparently the headlights on 2003 maxima's are huge targets for thieves because a) they're easy to rip out and b) something about the wattage of the lights on that particular model of car makes them of particular interest to those who are theft inclined. i then made the questionable decision to drive home, which i did successfully. i'm still in the midst of dealing with insurance and body shops to have the lights replaced, as my parents are on vacation. the damage is in the multiple thousands. this is definitely the last thing my parents needed to deal with while they're away.

so there you have it. call it acts of god, or bad luck, or bad karma. however you characterize it (and i'm purposely avoiding analyzing it in these terms) there is no doubt that this is a series of very unfortunate events.

oddly enough this doesn't change my opinion of humanity or even my opinion of nyc. i still love that city and i still believe there is a fundamental goodness in people. beyond that i'm at a lose for words. all i can do is be stoic and carry on.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

a toronto sports fan's lament

this is too much. this is my second night in a row of watching both toronto sports teams lose.

the fact that the leafs and raptors have lost is no surprise it's just that rarely do they both play on the same back to back nights so rarely is the losing this concentrated.

it just makes me sad. sad that i'm cheering for teams that so consistently disappoint me. especially the raptors. i have braced myself for years of ineptitude from the leafs so at least my expectations for them are sufficiently low. the raptors however, were supposed to be good. to make the playoffs, to be on the verge of building a foundation that could legitimately challenge for a championship. what the fuck happened?

i immerse myself in sports journalism and there exist theories to explain why the raptors have been such a catastrophe but in the end it's all speculation. it's obviously a significant under performance. i don't offer any answers or explanations for this, just merely stating my lack of satisfaction.

the last seconds just ticked away on a 5-0 loss for the leafs. i actually cheer for them to lose, cause then maybe they'll land john tavares. that's about the only thing worth cheering for.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

new track

i'm never one to do this but why not.

here is a track i did last week. i would call it instrumental acoustic ambient. enjoy?