Wednesday, November 5, 2008

remember remember

today is guy fawkes day. the last two years i spent this evening in a medieval sussex village named lewes. it maintains a tradition hundreds of years old whereby on this 5th of november they march down the streets (the village sits in a valley, surrounded by chalk cliffs) carrying torches, effigies of the pope and any other unpopular historical figures (i saw condeleeza rice and bush burned), and 17 crosses for the 17 protestant martyrs that were killed around the same time as guy fawkes. it's topped off by upwards of 4 of the most amazing fireworks displays you've ever seen in your life. they literally spend all year planning for this night.

there is no proper way to explain what this experience is like. it's absolutely unreal. truly one of the most amazing and memorable events of my life x2. they pretty much come close to burning the down the town. it's controlled chaos.

last year we went to lewes the day before bonfire night and filmed it. then filmed on bonfire night. we really need to have a look through that cause i think it'll look good and hopefully offer a glimpse into this unique tradition.

the video below is not the filming that i'm referring to. that's just some shit we took on my digital camera. the stuff from last year will look a million times better.

video of us at bonfire night 2006
lewes - wiki
bonfire night info

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