Tuesday, December 23, 2008

still a douche, not yet a douche farmer

a little while ago someone told they thought i was funnier and cooler now then i was when i first met them; circa three years ago?

one of those compliments that is 10% insult. either way, i happen to think this person is more than likely correct. granted i don't think i'm funny, merely occasionally opportunistic but i also think i'm funnier than i used to be. and likely more interesting, somehow. i'm attracting more interesting people which i take to be a good sign.

what i'm most interested in is dissecting this mini metamorphosis and trying to isolate the components. this can quite easily be reduced to a simple nature vs. nurture argument but i'm not trying to allocate each a percentage so i will necessarily be avoiding that. i wanna know specifically what about my environment and what about myself has been altered.

my social landscape has changed dramatically. could it be that the disappearance of just one person in my life has produced this? could it be that the emergence of another person has triggered the release of some funny pheromones or something? i'm fairly certain it's the concoction of these subtleties that has produced this.

this makes me feel like i've progressed along the continuum of time that is a human life. in short, i'm better at life then i used to be.

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