Friday, January 2, 2009

431 rue st. vincent

edinburgh, barcelona, montreal.

where i've spent my last 3 new year's eves, respectively. i thought after experiencing god awful wind, rain and cold in edinburgh that i had encountered the worst weather new year's eve could dish out. how wrong i was. how very, very wrong.

montreal is just a cold city. after being softened by 2 english winters, montreal slapped winter right across my face. like a knee to the groin we were met with the kind of wind and cold that not only paralyses you but also makes you angry with whoever was responsible. my recourse was to dance, and generally bounce as much as possible.

our hostel, not to be outdone, also proved to be an adventure. we booked a 4 person private room and 2 beds in a larger communal room. the main part of the hostel was set up like an open concept dorm with beds adorning all the walls. it's hard to describe other then to say it reminded me of something out of annie or the cider house rules. it was wild. what they neglected to tell us was that by 4 person private rooms they really meant small, cold, cabins. about the same size and about as well insulated as those covered wagons from pioneer days. my inadequately heated sleep (on an air mattress no less, cause that's also how they roll in this hostel) consisted of me fully clothed, under blankets, with my jacket and scarf tossed over me. it was the weirdest thing cause once you close the door and you're in the cabin it feels like you could be at a cottage somewhere, or camping. yet we were in the middle of a major north american city.

if i sound cold it's cause i am. at no point on this trip was i fully warmed. in edinburgh we slept in our rental car and that was way more comfortable and less cold.

montreal is always a great fuckin time though. there were mandatory stops for smoked meat and bagels. lots of bagels. like A LOT of bagels. a nice night drive up to mount royal and ringing in the new years at a street party on jacques cartier. truly, a lovely time.

bon annee!

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